Please find below the mail client settings for Thunderbird, Outlook etc:

  • Incoming mail server/ exit server:

  • POP 3 inbox

    • Port 995
    • SSL/TLS
    • Password normal / Server requires password authentication
  • IMAP inbox:

    • Port 993
    • SSL/TLS
    • Password normal / Server requires password authentication
  • SMTP outbox:

    • Port 465 (wahlweise 587)
    • SSL/TLS
    • Password normal / Server requires password authentication

CAUTION: the username is ALWAYS the complete e-mail address.

For Apple users: please enter ALL specifications, even when you see OPTIONAL

Screenshots mail settings Android/Gmail

Screenshots mail settings IOS (Apple)

Screenshots mail settings Thunderbird

Router settings

You are using a telecom SpeedPort 724 or W724V and cannot send mails (despite correct configuration)?

The routers of Telekom Speedport 724V block the mail servers of many e-mail providers, including those of GmbH.

If an e-mail provider is not listed on the router ‘s so-called `list of secure mail servers ‘the factory settings block the sending of e-mails.
Only the listed e-mail servers (mail exit servers) are activated for the use with a local e-mail programme
(e.g. Outlook, Thunderbird or Apple Mail).
All other mail exit servers are blocked by Telekom.

But you can extend anytime the list of `secure servers ‘.

Sign on to your Speedport W 724V. Type into your browser: http//:speedport.ip.

Enter the device passcode.
If it is still in delivery state, enter the device passcode on the nameplate at the back of the device.
Should you have already changed it, please enter the new one.
Click on LOGIN.

Choose in the configuration menu the item `Internet` and then `List of secure servers`.

Click on `Enter another e-mail server` and enter the server:
Now, you are ready.